Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Best birthday present ever

So, I made the decision to stop entering contests or querying agents until I had polished the MS for The Farmer's Wife to a fine sheen. Everything has been going swimmingly on that front for a few weeks now.  My CPs continue to be amazing, and the MS gets better with every chapter that they rip apart.

I've killed many darlings over the past weeks, and the MS reads smoother than it ever did when I was editing on my own.

And then, today, my inbox gives me the most unexpected news. An agent wants to see the full MS.

Here's the moment I had to give myself to get my heart out of my throat.

I sent two queries out right before I decided to call it quits. It's been six weeks or more. I expected to receive rejections at some point from both of them since it had been so long since I sent the requested pages.

Needless to say, the request caught me off guard.

I'm thrilled and nervous and anxious. Who knew one little sentence could throw my afternoon into such pleasant disarray?

And on a completely different, but equally exciting note, I also found out that I'll be getting my first niece next April. Great news all around. My face hurts from all the smiles.

And now, must edit furiously!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Pity Party: Table for One

So, woke up this morning feeling great. Ready to have an awesome day.  By ten, both eyes are starting to feel gummy.  By lunchtime, they're just really gross. And red. And as irritated as I am.

So I go see the eye doctor.

Double bacterial conjunctivitis.

Both eyes are red, a little swollen, and leaking unmentionable nastiness.

Needless to say, not much writing (or anything else) accomplished today. Also, I have to wash my hands anytime I touch my eyes to avoid spreading this plague to the husband or the child.  My eyes are itching as I type this, eager to spread the contagion. *sigh*  It's been an uncomfortable day.

At least I get to take the boy to the pumpkin patch tomorrow.  Hooray for antibiotics and hand sanitizer.

Nanowrimo starts in less than a month, folks.  Am I prepared? Not even close. Am I excited? Absolutely.  Those deadlines are excellent motivation.   I'm in it to win it this year.