Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hanging in There

We're nearing the end of April. I've managed not to abandon either of my monthly challenges thus far. I'm hoping to hang on for one more week.

In the interest of full disclosure, most of the poems I've written are absolute garbage. They haven't been edited, haven't even been looked at really since I scribbled them into my notebook. Do I plan to post them here anyway? You betcha. I might even throw in a link to the imgur album I plan to make of my daily portrait challenges. We won't discuss how they show even less skill than the poetry.  The important thing is that I'm developing the habit of writing and drawing daily, right? The skill level of the exercises doesn't  matter. At least, that's what I keep telling myself every day so I don't feel discouraged.

April has also brought warmer weather (finally) which means all plant life is attempting to kill me with its poisonous pollen spores. I made the mistake of spending the entire day outside last Saturday, and I've been paying for it ever since. A throat filled with scratchy fire, itchy eyes, a head that feels like it will explode at any minute from the sinus pressure contained within...all make for a joyous time. I finally got some mostly uninterrupted sleep last night which was awesome, but it's still a feat to breathe out of both nostrils simultaneously today.

I think next year I'm just going to shut myself away for the months of April and May, create a nice, pollen-free zone for myself. Unless Nature learns to keep her gifts to herself.

Friday, April 3, 2015

A Challenging Month

April is National Poetry Month. I've decided, like many others, to challenge myself to write one new poem a day for the entire month. I'm 2/2 so far, and feeling pretty optimistic. It's a great way to get back into the habit of writing every day (even of the poems are mediocre at best). I've completely abandoned the writing wagon as of late. I have a dozen excuses, but I'm doing my best to recognize my procrastination and force myself back into a routine.

My son starts a new preschool on April 13th, and I think I'll be able to sneak in a few hours of writing time a day. *Gasp* Dare I hope to finish that Nanowrimo novel that remains untouched since November?

As if pushing myself to compose a daily poem wasn't challenge enough, I also decided to begin a daily portrait.  I haven't drawn seriously since I was in college. I'm 2/2 with this one as well.  I'll admit that I'm beyond rusty, but it feels good to sketch again.

If I get myself together by the end of the month, I will post all 30 poems and portrait sketches here. If I was even more motivated, I would write poems inspired by the sketches or vice versa. Not going to lie, that will never happen, but I do hope to have a small gallery of art to showcase the first of May.

April is going to be hard work!