April is National Poetry Month. I've decided, like many others, to challenge myself to write one new poem a day for the entire month. I'm 2/2 so far, and feeling pretty optimistic. It's a great way to get back into the habit of writing every day (even of the poems are mediocre at best). I've completely abandoned the writing wagon as of late. I have a dozen excuses, but I'm doing my best to recognize my procrastination and force myself back into a routine.
My son starts a new preschool on April 13th, and I think I'll be able to sneak in a few hours of writing time a day. *Gasp* Dare I hope to finish that Nanowrimo novel that remains untouched since November?
As if pushing myself to compose a daily poem wasn't challenge enough, I also decided to begin a daily portrait. I haven't drawn seriously since I was in college. I'm 2/2 with this one as well. I'll admit that I'm beyond rusty, but it feels good to sketch again.
If I get myself together by the end of the month, I will post all 30 poems and portrait sketches here. If I was even more motivated, I would write poems inspired by the sketches or vice versa. Not going to lie, that will never happen, but I do hope to have a small gallery of art to showcase the first of May.
April is going to be hard work!
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