It's that time of year again. One month, 50,000 words. It's my favorite writing challenge. National Novel Writing Month began today!
I took a new approach this year, and actually planned out my novel. I don't have all of the details worked out yet, but some of my characters have back stories, and I have a general plot outline. I've never gone into November with this much planning done. I usually just wing it. I have found both failure and success with the fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants method, but I wanted to give organization a try this year. I'm also using a new writing software. It's called Scrivener, and it helps you plot the novel out. It also provide clean chapter and scene breaks, which makes it much easier to find specific scenes when you go back to edit.
I have a good feeling about this year. It feels like a winner. It helps that I've already met my word count goal for today. Wrote an extra 300 words actually. If I can maintain that momentum, victory is eminent. Easy to say when it's only day one.
While I don't expect to post here daily during Nanowrimo. I do hope to give weekly progress reports. It gives me more incentive to stay on the daily writing goal wagon.
November is going to be a busier month than normal for me, but I still plan to power through and make the 50,000 word goal. I want to write this novel. I will write this novel. Whether it will be finished by the end of November remains to be seen.
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