Yesterday marked the deadline for round two of the flash fiction contest. I'm fairly certain I won't make it to round three. My genre for this round was crime caper. Mysteries are so not my forte. I gave it my best effort, but I'm not very optimistic about advancing.
As you many know, November is National Novel Writing Month, or Nanowrimo. I'm hoping to begin planning an outline for this year's novel. I went in with a rough outline last year, and it made reaching 50k so easy.
I've fallen out of a daily writing habit, so I'm hoping to find my writing rhythm again before November hits. A target goal of 1667 words per day is daunting if you aren't accustomed to writing daily. I need to work on that.
If you've never heard of Nanowrimo, you should check out this site.
Take a look around the site. It will answer any questions you might have. If it sounds like something that interests you, sign up! It's a fun challenge, and even if you don't hit 50k words, you've still got more written than you did at the beginning of November. It's an all around win. My user name is gabbyg if you want to send me a buddy request.
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