Oh, November, how I love the frantic creativity you bring every year.
For those of you that are unfamiliar with it, November is National Novel Writing Month, or Nanowrimo for short. The goal is to write fifty thousand words in a month. Sounds crazy, right? It is, a little, but it's also a challenge that I can't pass up.
I work well under a deadline. The only problem is, self-imposed ones never get me anywhere. I blow them off. Nanowrimo gives me a community filled with other crazy writes that are all struggling to meet the same deadlines.
I have a good feeling about my novel this year. We're nine days into the challenge, and I've written over twenty one thousand words. I'm almost halfway there already. It's a pretty great feeling. Even better is knowing that I still have so much story percolating in my brain. I'm almost halfway through the word count goal, but my story is just getting started. I'm excited that my idea well isn't even close to dry for this novel.
I think I'm going to exceed the word goal for the first time since I started doing this competition years ago. I've "won" twice before, reaching the fifty thousand by the skin of my teeth. I think this years's going to be different. I think I might have a full rough draft by the time November 30 rolls around.
And then the edits can begin. *sigh* I'm not even done editing the first MS yet, and I'll have another one in the queue. Guess I should get back to work!
Keep going!! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm almost at 37k. Book is probably half-finished at this point, but I'm more than halfway to my goal :)