Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A snail's pace will still get me there, right?

So, the boy turns one this weekend. (Oh my God, how has that much time gone by already!)  I'm excited, but have also been swamped.  Apparently, planning a child's birthday party involves a lot of work.  I still have to get all of the food and party favors together.  Needless to say, I haven't really had much time to devote to the book lately.

Even though I've been pressed for time, another chapter has gone under the red pen and been converted into digital format! Hazzah! Still only up to chapter seven though.  I realized tonight that this chapter will be the first one that hasn't been marked up with a highlighter and red pen.  That means I have to pay way more attention when I'm typing it into Google Docs.  I'm happy to say that it means I've made more progress than I did with my last attempt at editing this book.  Minimal progress still counts, naysayers.

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